My dad's reached the finish line

On Saturday night my dad, Duncan, had a massive cardiac arrest in ICU and died after an intense 12-day battle following a major stroke, subsequent pneumonia and heart issues. The ICU staff tried to resuscitate him but could not.My dad impacted so many people's lives. I have not yet read any of their tributes to him. For me, the grief is still too near. But one theme stands out to me from his life.
My dad's relationship with God - his trust in Jesus, his walking by the Holy Spirit - is what defined and shaped him. His love and concern for others, his selfless serving of those around him, his devotion to my mom and us children and our families, his decades-long pioneering work in engineering education, his cross-cultural instincts, his desire to repair the damage in our nation, his love of the beauty of creation, his love of walks and runs - these all flowed both consciously and unconsciously from his Saviour. The narrative of his life, told in many conversations, was about things God had shown him through the Bible in his daily devotions, how the Holy Spirit had touched his heart in worship times. He would write us incredibly vulnerable emails about his emotions, his challenges, areas he was changing in. He was transparently conscious of his weaknesses; he never settled down but kept seeking God and being open to change.
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Well you're there now dad. You've run a good race, and you've got your prize. It's all God's grace.
My Dad's Funeral will be on Saturday 26th of July 2014 at Jubilee Community Church