Where's the beautiful Nivo from Ndiyo?

In about May I read about Ndiyo, a non-profit that's making ultra-thin clients called Nivo (Network-In, Video-Out). They're basically designing an FPGA that can support VNC or RDP and so creates a tiny little box that has a network connection, keyboard and mouse connectors, and a VGA out. Some of the team are the original VNC developers, which must help.
Absolutely brilliant idea. But the news since then has been silent. They're supposed to be working on a new version offering local USB ports etc, which would be an added bonus. Quentin Stafford-Fraser, one of the founders, blogged about it recently, but that's all. Newnham Research, the company they work with, is intentionally keeping a low profile...
I think it would be great if they made this available in its current form (costing less than 100 GBP to assemble at low volume!) or at least posted more news rather than disappearing into a developing hole.
Update (2006-02-17): more news has indeed emerged, though its not yet commercially available they're having trials (including in South Africa!) and seem to be doing cool stuff...